Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud – Bringing Docker Online using PowerShell DSC

Picking up where we last left off, Yung Chou and Keith Mayer continue our Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud series as they welcome Andrew Weiss from Microsoft Consulting Services as they show us how we can manage Docker containers using PowerShell DSC.


  • [1:15] What is Docker?
  • [4:06] How is it relevant to IT pros?
  • [8:20DEMO: Docker in action

Resource Links:

Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services for IT Pros

This is a short presentation to introduce Azure IaaS essential features to IT pros. Azure will quickly become transparent for Windows administrators once the basic concepts are in place, which is what this presentation is trying to facilitate.

What Is and What Is Not Cloud Computing and Why Do I as an IT Pro Care

This was a presentation which I delivered at Stratford University in PDF format. My focus was on bringing clarity of cloud computing to the audiences so we can better articulate the business values of cloud computing and why cloud is or perhaps is not the solution for a business problem.

Additional resources is available at